Guns, not for Everyone

Implementation of basic common sense gun regulation is taking too long, at the expense of innocent lives.

Eric Hong, Opinion Editor

Lafayette, three. Charleston, nine. Isla Vista, seven. Sandy Hook, 27. Aurora, 12. Virginia Tech, 32. And from just a few weeks ago, Roanoke, two—live on national television.

Following each shooting, the topic of gun control sees another five minutes of fame after five minutes of mourning, only to simmer back down almost instantaneously. Politicians promise to act upon the horrific incidents and never to forget them, but that’s exactly what they seem to be—forgotten. A decisive majority of mass shootings have a few things in common. Being virtually ignored is one.

Being committed at the hands of the mentally ill is the other. Let’s face it: guns just do not belong in some people’s hands.

One thing must be clear. Especially when discussing a subject as touchy as this, it’s important to delineate the difference between correlation and causation. To say that mental illness inclines one to commit public acts of violence is most definitely not the intent behind this column. But we also can’t ignore that the perpetrators of many of history’s massacres haven’t been perfectly sane.

Houser, Roof, Rodger, Lanza, Holmes, Cho, Flanagan. These are names that are sure to ring of infamy throughout history, but—in a sense—through no fault of their own. Had Sandy Hook shooter Adam Lanza not been inflicted with mental illness, chances are that America would not have had to spill its tears over the lives of 20 children and seven adults. In other words, the blame for these deaths is not necessarily on the hand behind the trigger, but rather on the faulty system that put it there.

The U.S. has been notoriously sloppy about keeping guns out of the wrong hands. On multiple occasions, shooters had not been recognized as potentially violent or mentally ill by their respective state courts, allowing them to slip through the cracks of security and attain firearms. Simply as a result of a lax, nearly nonexistent background check system that failed to be attentive enough to keep track of potentially dangerous criminals, handguns and automatic rifles came into possession by people who should not be carrying weapons in the first place—and the results were horrific.

It’s rather clear that America is getting tired of hearing about gun control, especially when each shooting is followed by Republicans complaining that liberals are only “advancing their political agendas” and “politicizing” tragedies, one can almost be certain of this. There is nothing sadder than citizens ignoring the tragedies of their neighbors for their own selfish desires.

Wake up, lawmakers. The U.S. cannot afford to see lives flying out the window every few weeks in the name of gun-toting, trigger-happy America. It’s about time we stopped worshipping the 2nd Amendment and came to realize that guns—or any other weapon, for that matter—are not for everyone. The dreaded “largest gun grab in America history” (so eloquently coined by the National Rifle Association) cannot come soon enough.