Sense and study-ability


Throughout my journey to be accepted by a prestigious college, I endeavored to cut out all of the unnecessary distractions in my life, like cleaning the house and grocery shopping, to focus solely on achieving my goal. Whenever I hear my peers complaining about their household chores, I pity them for their uncaring parents who make them waste their time doing such menial tasks. 

My own parents are supportive of me, of course, and are always willing to pick up the dirty work so I can dedicate all my time to maintaining my good grades, participating in extracurriculars and doing anything else that will boost my chances of getting admitted into the very best college.

Even though both of my parents work full-time, they always find time to prepare and deliver three meals a day to my room since I’ve never learned to cook or grocery shop. This way is more convenient for me because I don’t have to stop working to go through the hassle of preparing food and sitting down to eat. Unfortunately, my mom works late into the night so she can spend the day caring for me, but it will all be worth it when I get into a good college, then find a high-paying job to support her in her old age—something I could never do if I had to waste my time folding my own laundry.

Some of my classmates call me lazy and claim that doing chores builds character and discipline. But I’m no fool—I tried doing the dishes before, and I can assure you that chores only cause dirty messes. As for discipline, I would like to see them call my 18-hour-long study session undisciplined. Sure, I was watching Netflix at the same time, but that’s just to drown out the distracting sound of my mom vacuuming my bedroom. I don’t need to feed my pets or clean my room to learn discipline. 

After all, colleges are not looking for the student who has completed the most chores. They are looking for someone like me who has dedicated every second of their life to becoming a great student. 

Besides, when I become the CEO of a big corporation with a degree from my top-of-the-line college, I won’t need to know how to do household chores. As a future workaholic, I won’t have enough time, so I’ll just hire people to do what my parents did; there’s no point in learning to fold my clothes. And with all of the money I’ll be making, why would I need to learn how to spend it wisely? I’ll be able to buy as many luxury items as I want without making a dent in my bank account. 

I also won’t need to learn how to cook or clean while I’m in college, either, of course. Although my parents will only be visiting to clean up twice a week, I will be supplied with a willing roommate. After all, isn’t that what roommates are for?

So while my classmates are busy doing their chores, I spend my precious time studying for tests, which will give me the edge over them during the college application season. Their parents will probably regret giving them all those time-consuming chores when they don’t get into as good of a college as I do.