DBHS Students Have the Moves

Tess Guan, Asst. Web Editor

The annual Diamond Bar High School fall dance concert is back again, but this time, with a little twist.

“Students were asked to choreograph pieces that focused more on the artistry and freedom of movement rather than focus on a theme or story,” said Kari Simonson, dance teacher and Dance Company director.

The title of the upcoming show is “Movement,” and with the exception of a few numbers, all dances are original and choreographed by students.

“Choreographing a piece just feels natural and the right moves just flow through your head if you can feel the music,” said sophomore David Lee, a member of All Male.

To help out with the choreographing, Simonson invited two DBHS Dance Company alumni, John Kim and Mary Aguirre to help make the dances for the advanced and intermediate ensemble students.

For some dancers, this was their first time making a routine by themselves.

“I didn’t really know I wanted to do, I just tried experimenting to find what worked out,” freshman Megan Chen, a member of Dance Company said.

Despite the different experiences and viewpoints on making their own original dances, most students welcomed the challenge with open arms.

“It’s really fun. We learn rally pieces, but we don’t self choreograph it, so concerts and sometimes dance workshops are the only time when we get to showcase our ideas,” Shani Chen, Dance Company senior team captain said. “Anything can influence me. I can be eating something and I’d be like ‘hey, this can be apart of a dance’!”

Members of Dance Company, All Male, intermediate dance, and advanced dance will be performing at the DBHS theatre on tomorrow and Friday at 7 p.m. Tickets are on presale for $10 and will be $12 at the door.