APES classes start eco-friendly campaigning

Vrinda Chauhan, Staff Writer

The annual, end-of-the-year AP Environmental Science project allows students to reach beyond the classroom to apply their knowledge to the real world. Throughout March, April, and May, four APES classes will campaign their project to promote eco-friendly solutions to environmental problems.

These groups were assigned in their classes to create a project that is not only ecological, but also local and relevant to high school students. The four classes are competing to make their projects the most effective and influential, as the most widespread project will receive the best grade.

In May, a panel of esteemed judges including scientists and professors will judge the class projects. The four groups, called the Brahma Board, Flush it Up, Toxic Take-Away, and Bottles for Benefit, will be judged and graded based on overall professionalism, application, and effectiveness.

One of the competing classes, Brahma Board, run by Angela Jensvold’s second period class, is introducing different ways to reduce paper usage in the school to curb the waste of hundreds of fliers that are posted everywhere around campus each week. Brahma Board hopes to install digital monitors around school to display the same important information and simultaneously cut back on the amount of paper used.

“Since many of us participate in different club activities and team fundraisers, we unknowingly contribute to the overwhelming number of fliers posted around campus. We felt like making everything digital could really make a difference,” senior Grant Shao, campaign president of Brahma Bottles, commented.

Greg Valor’s second period class, called Toxic Take-Away, is assembling a project that seeks to ensure appropriate disposal as well as aware others of the effects of improperly disposed hazardous waste. Hoping to prevent the improper disposal of simple household hazardous items such as batteries, paints, and pesticides, the group plans to arrange hazardous waste pick-ups at the school, similar to an e-waste pick-up.

Planning to save one of Earth’s most limited and vital resources, Flush It Up, Valor’s first period group, is trying to install a new type of flushing device to conserve water. This new system, in which one must flush up for liquid waste and down for solid, will use only half of the normal amount of water to flush.

“This project gives our student body a convenient way to save water. Without much effort, everyone can play a part in making a difference. All you have to do is flush up, flush down, and flush it all around!” senior Joy Chow, a member of Flush It Up, commented.

Another group aiming to impress the judges, Jensvold’s fourth period class assembled a project called Bottles for Benefit, which hopes to reduce the improper disposal and frequent usage of plastic water bottles sold on campus, as well as other recyclable items on campus. The group seeks to also introduce Brahma Bottles, reusable bottles that combine the convenience of a water bottle, with the eco-friendliness of a steel bottle.

“We have these projects so that students can experience the process of making a change in their community. Hopefully when they graduate, if there’s an issue they think need to be worked on, they will take a more active role and instead of being observers, they can actually be participants,” Jensvold said.