A Wonderland of Askings

September 11, 2014
With Homecoming approaching in a couple weeks, balloons, posters, and flowers have begun sprouting at various locations around campus. Although these annual Homecoming askings may seem based off of a generic standard – banners and all – several Brahmas reveal the process behind the works and their own unique takes on coordinating proposals for their dates.
For junior Justin Kang, a dozen red balloons strategically dispersed on campus substituted a bouquet of red roses. Kang arranged the balloons into a scavenger hunt trail, attaching a dozen pieces of sophomore Joyce Kang’s favorite candies to the ends. The hunt led her to the 11th balloon and two options: Joyce Kang’s best friend, junior Rachel Hwang, and brother, senior Peter Kang, wearing shirts labeled “Yes” and “No,” respectively. If “Yes” was chosen, the last balloon revealed Justin Kang beside his proposal poster.
Preparation and planning included help from his friends and multiple rehearsals.
“I found out what she had for 6a, walked around the campus a good three times, and asked her best friend about the things she liked,” Justin Kang said via Facebook.
While Kang’s proposal sailed smoothly, senior Sean Lee’s asking took an unexpected swerve. Dressed in a full-body panda suit, Lee planned a surprise banner with flowers for senior Grace Kim. However, his surprise almost failed when she unpredictably passed by during preparation. Fortunately, Kim took no notice, and the plan succeeded.
Lee spent the Labor Day weekend preparing, choosing to wear the panda suit because it was Kim’s favorite animal. On the day of, he attempted to remain collected around Kim but was overwhelmed with worries.
“My hand wouldn’t stop shaking, and I was sweating a waterfall, but when she said yes I felt a huge relief after,” Lee confessed via Facebook.
Such nerves are not uncommon, especially in the case of senior Danny Lee’s asking, which was his first time asking a girl to Homecoming. In honor of his date’s penchant for London telephone booths, Danny planned a “Telephone Booth” themed proposal.
In the dance room, Danny Lee and members of the All Male Dance Team placed a telephone booth, crafted out of cardboard and paint, and balloons in the center of the floor. Inside the booth, Lee incorporated a vintage phone as part of the display. Once Lee’s date, sophomore Shani Chen, entered the booth and picked up the phone, Lee answered the call with his proposal and walked into the room to reveal himself.
With the help of his friends, Lee spent six hours painting the poster and recycled boxes which created the “telephone booth” contraption. In addition to focusing on the plan’s details, he also ensured that everything was tailored to his date’s particular likes.
“I asked [her friend], Nicole Hsuan, what colors, and kinds of drinks she likes. I also talked to her about things she loves,” Lee said via Facebook.
Although most askings lasted less than a minute, behind the show, the askers actually spent multiple hours to coordinate such an event. And despite the variety in these Homecoming askings, one thing remains the same: it’s a nerve-wracking experience, but when the girl says yes, everything is worth it.