Stomping into the school year with two new Brahma costumes, Diamond Bar High School’s United Student Body (USB) has found two anonymous students to entertain and encourage our community.
“The reason why we decided to purchase two different costumes this year is because we wanted a way to be inclusive, but to also increase our school spirit,” USB sophomore Daniel Lee said.
With the Brahmas being showcased at the First Day Rally and on a video posted to Instagram prior, we can expect to see more events showing both of them. Our mascots are excited to represent our school in this capacity.
“We’ll usually be at all of the large school events such as football games and rallies, but not all events because we don’t want the costumes to get worn out,” the female Brahma said. “I wanted to become the mascot because it seemed like a fun new position along with the experience.”
Being a mascot is not meant for everyone, but both of the mascots have expressed how they enjoy their role. However, one challenge is the rapidly warming temperature inside the costume.
“Although I was reluctant at first to take up the mascot position, I now enjoy doing it,” the male Brahma said. “You know, it gets a little hot sometimes but it’s definitely worth the effort,”
Taking the role of being our mascot means having to perform in front of our school and learning skits. It takes time, effort, and dedication to be able to handle the responsibilities.
“I love seeing how much people smile seeing the entrance of both me and my counterpart and assemblies and events alike,” the female Brahma said.
Every entrance of our mascots brings energy and school spirit from the student body. Our mascots feel it’s their purpose to bring enjoyment to the audience.
“I love the feeling of walking out in front of the audience and seeing all the smiling faces and hearing all the cheers.” the male Brahma said.